Blog Posts

Welcome to my blog. I write about my experiences as a PhD student: both the research and the mental health side of it. On the research side, I'm interested in the intersection between Earth Observation and Machine Learning and interdisciplinary research in general.

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Total: 27 Posts

Image of a sunrise, with a pink sky and blue foreground.

April 2, 2023


Last weekend the clock went one hour back: a nasty surprise. I was already going to bed on the late side before my gym session the next day. Switching to summer time meant another hour would be taken off my night. In the end, it messed up my sleep for an entire week.

A group of people toasting champagne glasses, seen from below.

February 26, 2023


Something a friend from uni told me last week over coffee got me thinking

Eye reflected in a small piece of mirror held up by a person.

February 19, 2023


The impostor syndrome - every PhD student gets it at some point, or so I’m told. For me, it’s hard to disentangle from my own perfectionism: I’m tempted to think whatever I do is not good enough, regardless of how good I think I am at something compared to other people.