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Total: 10 News Items

Panelist at the ESSAI 2024 summer school R2net event

July 13, 2024

I was invited as a panelist on a panel on mental health of PhDs in AI. The panel was part of a workshop on AI Research & Mental Well-Being, and was collocated with the 2024 ESSAI European Summer School on AI in Athens, Greece. The event was organised by the CLAIRE Rising Researchers Network (R2Net), a network of early career researchers in AI in Europe.

Talk at Extreme Extremities symposium at Boerhaave Museum

June 24, 2024

My colleague Laurens Arp and I gave a talk about using Machine Learning for wildlife conservation at the Extreme Extremities symposium at Boerhaave museum in Leiden. The event was organised by the Leidse Biologen Club (LBC), the student association for biology students at Leiden University.

ML4EO Workshop

May 30, 2024

I organised a workshop on ML4EO for early career researchers, at my institute, LIACS. The workshop was supported by SAILS. The workshop consisted of five talks, with the goal to share eachothers work and spark interdisciplinary collaborations.

Interview in Vrij Nederland about the energy footprint of AI

April 1, 2024

I was interviewed along with a few other researchers on the topic of the carbon footprint of AI. In my opinion, we can achieve a lot of good and help people with AI, and the models the majority of people use are not that energy hungry.

Talk at Alumni Day Study Association De Leidsche Flesch

June 3, 2023

I was invited to present my research at the 2023 alumni day of my former study association, De Leidsche Flesch.