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Total: 13 News Items

ML4EO Workshop

May 30, 2024

I organised a workshop on ML4EO for early career researchers, at my institute, LIACS. The workshop was supported by SAILS. The workshop consisted of five talks, with the goal to share eachothers work and spark interdisciplinary collaborations.

Interview in Vrij Nederland about the energy footprint of AI

April 1, 2024

I was interviewed along with a few other researchers on the topic of the carbon footprint of AI. In my opinion, we can achieve a lot of good and help people with AI, and the models the majority of people use are not that energy hungry.

Talk at Alumni Day Study Association De Leidsche Flesch

June 3, 2023

I was invited to present my research at the 2023 alumni day of my former study association, De Leidsche Flesch.

Poster at COSEAL 2023

March 6, 2023

I pitched and presented a poster at COSEAL 2023, a workshop on the COnfiguration and SElection of ALgorithms, hosted by Sorbonne University & LIP6 in Paris.


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Article about my research topic on the Leiden University website

October 26, 2022

The university website published an interview with me about my research topic: AutoML for EO, and how it can help to get better results in EO tasks, faster.

Radio interview about Ada Lovelace and AI

October 11, 2022

I appeared on the local radio station, a temporary station called Radio Weetlust created for the Leiden City of Science event in 2022. The theme of the day was Ada Lovelace. I was invited to talk about her and about AI. It was fitting because our research group is called ADA! I enjoyed this experience a lot.